Here is a text to strengthen the reading and writing skills of foreigners being supported in their studies in local Japanese language classes by Japanese volunteers. With 2 readily accessible themes, such as ‘Spring is cherry blossoms, fall is autumn leaves,’ ‘Life in Japan – Expensive? Cheap?,’ etc., the book gives the learner an invaluable tool to further his/her reading and writing skills.
Since it was produced as a sister publication to the previously released Seeds of Chatting in Japanese, the units in both books have the same themes. Consequently, if both are used together, the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking can be covered, allowing the learner to increase his/her overall Japanese language ability.
はじめまして/いただきまーす/ちょっと買い物に/ジェスチャーで伝えよう/旅行大好き/ペットと暮らす/お元気ですか/春は桜 秋はもみじ/何を食べようかな/日本の生活 高い?安い?/みんなのスポーツ/仕事、がんばります/わたしの町は日本一/ケータイ、持った?/結婚いろいろ/大変だったね/祭りだわっしょい!/楽しく日本語/女と男ー仕事と役割/ごみを減らそう